Saturday 31 October 2009

Borderland - First impressions....

Just bought Borderland for the PC. I bought it through Steam, all from the comfort of my own home. Brilliant!

I got it because I'm looking for a game that I can play with my 3 mates. There are so few games that you can play with 4 people so we've been mainly playing World of Warcraft, which does us proud. But sometimes it woul be nice to have a faster paced game we can all play. Enter Boarderland.

There are a number of massive similarities to Fall Out 3, in fact you're even looking for a mystical Vault.....sounds a bit familiar.

However it kicks off with a really good intro and tutorial level. Its an arcadey quest based FPS with good quality cartoony graphics. So I put in 3 or 4 hours and I'm delighted to report its really quite good. Huge variety of guns and equipment, it ticks all the boxes of a basic RPG with classes, skill points and experience.

I've managed to get up to level 11 and some of the missions listed as tough or hard are starting to live up to their rating. I think it may have legs.

It really reminds me of a few other games the vehicle I've tried so far is straight out of Halo, the look and feel reminds me a little bit of 13 (if you can remember that far back). The mobs are from Fall out 3 a couple of them are really funny (pygmy psycho). Its clearly been written for a console with some slightly annoying UI controls but this is a truly minor gripe. A little bit repetitive here and there but it is fun and addictive.

So now I need to persuade my 3 mates to buy it so we can check out the supposedly impressive co-op play....

Steam actually helpfully offer 4 copies for sale in a bumper pack, although it is actually a couple of pence dearer to buy the bumper pack than 4 separate copies which is a bit silly.

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