Monday 2 November 2009

Borderlands - Day 3.....

Loving it!!

It is really addictive. I feel ashamed that I'm so easily impressed...after all these years....

The constant slight improvement to my kit - its such an obvious attempt to keep me hooked. I smirked as I realised this early on, they won't get me that easily. I'm a seasoned gamer and I want, no I expect more. You can't buy me with your tricks!

But then I got my first purple...(BTW since when was the green/ blue/ purple epic item code colouring become the industry standard ? Did I miss a meeting?). Anyway I'd taken down my first boss - he wasn't so bad, but it took me a full 3 minutes to pick up all the loot. Then there she was, his purple pistol just lying there. I picked it up and checked out the stats - I got a little shot of adrenaline - and I wanted more. Where could I get my next one, and I think my sniper rifle I was so proud of now looked a little lame next to this beauty...

Then 3 hours flew by, my constant slight kit improvement (with the occassional big jump in quality) had sucked me in. I was leaning forward in my chair, rushing from quest to quest more more more.

All you gamers out there will recognise these symptoms as the best bit about a new game that has really hit the mark. You know it can only last a while - the game lust, but when you're there its the best. Its like when you hear a record you love, you cant get enough you can play it again and again "iIll never tire of this" think knowing all the time that you will ...but ....not just yet.....

Anyway this concludes Day 3....

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